Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jul 27th
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Home Teachings The Eightfold Noble's Path The Eightfold Noble's Path - Liberation

The Eightfold Noble's Path - Liberation

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The Eightfold Noble's Path
Right View
Right Intention
Right Speech
Right Action
The Four Factors
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The Eightfold Noble Path - LIBERATION

The Buddha continued in the Maha-cattarisaka Sutta,

"Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? In one of right view, right intention comes into being. In one of right resolve, right speech comes into being. In one of right speech, right action... In one of right action, right livelihood... In one of right livelihood, right effort... In one of right effort, right mindfulness... In one of right mindfulness, right concentration... In one of right concentration, right knowledge... In one of right knowledge, right release comes into being. Thus the learner is endowed with eight factors, and the Arahant with ten."

Here the Buddha gives a linear account of how right view acts as the foremost on the path that gives rise to the next factor, and the next factor gives rise to the next next factor and so forth.

When one has achieved the supramundane Path, one is endowed with eight factors on the Path. However, the Arahant, who is liberated here & now, is endowed with two more factors - right knowledge and right release, which are the unique characteristics of an Arahant.

"Of those, right view is the forerunner. And how is right view the forerunner? In one of right view, wrong view is abolished. The many evil, unskillful qualities that come into play with wrong view as their condition are also abolished, while the many skillful qualities that have right view as their condition go to the culmination of their development. In one of right resolve, wrong resolve is abolished... In one of right speech, wrong speech is abolished... In one of right action, wrong action is abolished... In one of right livelihood, wrong livelihood is abolished... In one of right effort, wrong effort is abolished... In one of right mindfulness, wrong mindfulness is abolished... In one of right concentration, wrong concentration is abolished... In one of right knowledge, wrong knowledge is abolished... In one of right release, wrong release is abolished. The many evil, unskillful qualities that come into play with wrong release as their condition are also abolished, while the many skillful qualities that have right release as their condition go to the culmination of their development."

Here the Buddha gives an account for the Eightfold Noble Path and how it would abolish the wrong path as one practices it.


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