Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jul 27th
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Home Teachings The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

Ven. Kaba-Aye Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pannadipa

(from the courtesy of


Blind is the world, the Buddha taught. Many a man born in this sensuous world rarely sees Truth. In fact, the Truth is existing and prevailing all the time everywhere in the whole universe. Yet man, being ignorant, finds it very hard to see the truth due to the darkness of his ignorance and craving desire:

Having the brilliant light of the Noble Teaching and the true Dhamma in our present, we human beings are virtuously given the unique opportunity to know and understand the Noble truth of the Dhamma. ( Ariya Sacca )

Man, as the supreme master of himself, has the potential to attain real Blissful Peace and Happiness of liberation. If man actually abides by the principles of the Buddha's teaching, he is ascertained to attain the Noble Path, Fruition and Nibbana found out and admonished by His fully Enlightenment.

May all be enlightened in the four Noble Truths!


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" The mind wanders far and moves about alone; it is non-material; it lies in the cave (chamber of the heart). Those who control their mind will be free from the bonds of Mara. "

The Dhammapada

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