Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Sep 13th
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Home News Digitalizing English Translation of Pali Canon

Digitalizing English Translation of Pali Canon

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I’m engaging in a project to digitalize the English translation of the Pali Canon. It is a large project as there are a lot of texts to translate. I am planning to use Wisdom Publication’s books.

Although there are already a few English translations around, but not all of them are of good quality so to speak. Besides, notes and commentary are quite important.

If you own some Wisdom Publication Pali Canon books and wish to participate, please let me know. At this moment I’m typing all the texts by myself, although I don’t rule out hiring some typewriters later.

Also, I will try to type in all the suttas first without notes, and add notes later since that will give audiences faster access to the suttas.


Thank you.


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" If you can keep yourself calm and quiet like a broken gong which is no longer resonant, you are sure to realize Nibbana; there will be no harshness in you. "

The Dhammapada

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