Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jan 22nd
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Home FAQs Buddha's Teachings Does chanting "Namo Amitaba" actually give next birth to Pure Land?

Does chanting "Namo Amitaba" actually give next birth to Pure Land?

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In Buddhism we talk about kamma, and without kamma nothing is possible. Kamma is intention; so if the chanter's every intention is pure and good, many wholesome kamma will accumulate. However, one must practice mindfulness to achieve Enlightenment and cleanse the defilements. The Sixth Patriarch of Zen has a similar argument in his Platform Sutra.


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" Him I call a brahmana, who is fearless like a bull, who is noble and diligent, who is a seeker of high moral virtues and a conqueror ( of three Maras) who is free from craving, who has been cleansed of moral defilemnts and knows the Four Noble Truths. "

The Dhammapada

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