Research Guideline: scholarly approved to be authentic and genuine.
Internet Sources:
Vipassana Meditation in the Tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin - Sayagyi U Ba Khin Memorial Trust
Association for Insight Meditation - Bhikkhu Pesala
Mahasi Meditation Center - Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organisation
The Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw's Discourses and Treatises on Buddhism - Mahasi Sasana Nuggaha Organisation
Access to Insight: Readings in Theravada Buddhism - John Bullitt
Digha Nikaya - Bhikkhu Bodhi (Boston: Wisdom Publications 1995)
Majjhima Nikaya - Bhikkhu Bodhi (Boston: Wisdom Publications 1995)
Samyutta Nikaya - Bhikkhu Bodhi (Boston: Wisdom Publications 2000)
Great Disciples of the Buddha - Nyanaponika Thera and Hellmuth Hecker (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society 1997)
Visuddhimagga: The Path of Purification - Bhikkhu Nanamoli (Seattle: Buddhist Publication Society Pariyatti Editions 1991)
Kathavatthu - Points of Controversy - Shwe Zan Aung & Mrs. Rhys Davids (Oxford: The Pali Text Society 2001)
The Wheel of Dhamma ( Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) - Mahasi Sayadaw (Yangon: Buddhasasana Nuggaha Organization 2000)
Bhara Sutta (Discourse on the Burden of Khandha) - Mahasi Sayadaw (Yangon: Buddhasasana Nuggaha Organization 2000)
Mahasi Golden Jubilee - Mahasi Sayadaw (Yangon: Buddhasasana Nuggaha Organization 1999)
Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM Version 3 - Vipassana Research Institute