Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jan 22nd
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... this telling the truth, and do they not slander the Lord Gotama with lies? Do they explain the truth about his Dhamma and what pertains to it, or does some fellow-teacher of a different sect deserve to ...
Saturday, 06 February 2010
... He, having realized it by his own super-know-ledge, proclaims this world with its devas, māras and Brahmās, its princes and people. He preaches the Dhamma which is lovely in its beginning, lovely in its ...
Saturday, 06 February 2010
... to wholesome states, for that is how you will come to growth, increase, and fulfillment in this Dhamma and Discipline. Suppose there were a big sāla-tree grove near a village or town, and it was choked ...
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
4. MN 18 Madhupiṇḍika Sutta - The Honeyball
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... For knowing, the Blessed One knows; seeing, he sees; he is vision, he is knowledge, he is the Dhamma, he is the holy one; he is the sayer, the proclaimer, the elucidator of meaning, the giver of the Deathless, ...
Monday, 25 January 2010
... in this Dhamma and Discipline—that is impossible. 3. "What, bhikkhus, are the five wildernesses in the heart that he has not abandoned? Here a bhikkhu is doubtful, uncertain undecided, and unconfident ...
Saturday, 23 January 2010
... to him, he sat down at one side and said: "Venerable sir, I have long understood the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One thus: 'Greed is an imperfection that defiles the mind, hate is an imperfection that ...
Saturday, 23 January 2010
... speak thus say what has been said by the Blessed One, and not misrepresent him with what is contrary to fact? Do they explain in accordance with the Dhamma in such a way that nothing that provides a ground ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
...  “But, great king, what reason do you see for doing such supreme honor to this body and for showing such friendship?” 10. “Venerable sir, I infer according to Dhamma about the Blessed One: ‘The Blessed ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
9. MN 86 Angulimāla Sutta - On Angulimāla
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... not.” “Oh, at long last this recluse, a venerated sage, Has come to this great forest for my sake. Having heard your stanza teaching me the Dhamma, I will indeed renounce evil forever.” So saying, ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
10. MN 85 Bodhirājakumāra Sutta - To Prince Bodhi
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... happens in one who abides diligent, ardent, and resolute. 43-53. “I considered: ‘This Dhamma that I have attained is profound’...(as Sutta 26, §§19-29)...and the six of us lived on what those two bhikkhus ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
11. MN 84 Madhurā Sutta - At Madhurā
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... Kaccāna! Magnificent, Master Kaccāna! Master Kaccāna has made the Dhamma clear in many ways, as though he were turning upright what had been overthrown, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
12. MN 83 Makhādeva Sutta - King Makhādeva
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... was a king named Makhādeva. He was a righteous king who ruled by the Dhamma, a great king who was established in the Dhamma. He conducted himself by the Dhamma among brahmins and householders, among town-dwellers ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
... its princes and its people, which he has himself realized with direct knowledge. He teaches the Dhamma good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, with the right meaning and phrasing, ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
... friend, my close friend. Let the Blessed One teach him the Dhamma.’ “Then the Blessed One Kassapa, accomplished and fully enlightened, instructed, urged, roused, and gladdened Ghaṭīkāra the potter and ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
... the full understanding of feelings, and we do so too. What then is the distinction here, friends, what is the variance, what is the difference between the recluse Gotama's teaching of the Dhamma and ours, ...
Sunday, 17 January 2010
... Dhamma and Discipline. He was making this statement before the Vesālī assembly: "The recluse Gotama does not have any superhuman states, any distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. ...
Saturday, 16 January 2010
... devoid of recluses." What are the four? We have confidence in the Teacher, we have confidence in the Dhamma, we have fulfilled the precepts, and our companions in the Dhamma are dear and agreeable to us ...
Saturday, 16 January 2010
... it to anyone else, for what can one man do for another?” he would be a source of danger to those good men of good family who, following the Dhamma and discipline taught by the Tathāgata, attain to such ...
Saturday, 09 January 2010
... way Naḷāndā would come to have even more faith in the Lord.’ The Lord replied: ‘Kevaddha, this is not the way I teach Dhamma to the monks, by saying: “Go monks, and perform superhuman feats and miracles ...
Saturday, 09 January 2010
... He preaches the Dhamma which is lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, lovely in its ending, in the spirit and in the letter, and displays the fully-perfected and purified holy life. A disciple ...
Saturday, 09 January 2010
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