Yellow Robe - A Real Buddhist's Journal

Jan 22nd
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1. MN 9 Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta – Right View
(Pali Canon/Majjhima Nikaya)
... grief, and despair are suffering; not to obtain what one wants is suffering; in short, the five aggregates affected by clinging are suffering. This is called suffering. 16. “And what is the origin of ...
Sunday, 27 December 2009
...  “‘Friend, there are these five aggregates affected by clinging, rightly proclaimed by the Blessed One who knows and sees, accomplished and fully enlightened. What five? They are the material form aggregate ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... on your own seat, bhikkhu, and ask what you like.” So the bhikkhu sat on his own seat and said to the Blessed One: 4. “Are these not, venerable sir, the five aggregates affected by clinging; that is, ...
Friday, 04 December 2009
... pleasure are abandoned in me.’ In this way he has full awareness of that. 16. “Ānanda, there are these five aggregates affected by clinging, in regard to which a bhikkhu should abide contemplating rise ...
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
... “Again, Sāriputta, a bhikkhu should consider thus: ‘Are the five aggregates affected by clinging fully understood by me?’ If, by reviewing, he knows thus: ‘The five aggregates affected by clinging are ...
Tuesday, 04 August 2009
... that arises with eye-contact as condition. “When one abides inflamed by lust, fettered, infatuated, contemplating gratification, then the five aggregates affected by clinging are built up for oneself ...
Tuesday, 04 August 2009
... ageing is suffering; death is suffering; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair are suffering; not to obtain what one wants is suffering; in short, the five aggregates affected by clinging are suffering. ...
Tuesday, 04 August 2009
... as mind-objects in terms of the five hindrances. [The Five Aggregates] 38. “Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu abides contemplating mind-objects as mind-objects in terms of the five aggregates affected by ...
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
... of personal identity” (sakkāyasabba), that is, with reference to all states or phenomena (dhammā) comprised within the five aggregates affected by clinging (see MN 28.4). Supramundane states – the paths, ...
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
10. Books by Mahasi Sayadaw
(Books/Mahasi Sayadaw)
... to discuss about the Noble Ones and their qualities as well as an outline of the Buddha Dhamma in general. Discourse on Bhara Sutta, The Burden of the Five Aggregates A full discourse ...
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
... to nibbāna. This is the process. How is insight developed? Insight is developed by meditating on the five aggregates of attachment. Why and when do we meditate on the aggregates? We meditate on the ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
... to sit for a ling time, with body erect, and then contemplate by fixing his attention on the physical and mental phenomena, i.e. upadanakkhandha, or the Five Aggregates. These phenomena should be continuously ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
13. Tranquility VS Insight
... you will have to work further. To return to our initial question, "How do we develop insight?" The answer is, "We develop insight by meditating on the five aggregates of attachment." The mental and ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
Yes, but one has to wisely understand the connection between the two doctrines. We advice you to take a thorough reading on both sections on our website.
Monday, 16 March 2009
15. What is Dependant Origination
(Teachings/Dependant Originations)
... Noble Path is likely to find it attractive. Those who taught ego-belief described the self as the owner of the five aggregates, as an independent entity, possessing free-will and self-determination. It ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
16. The Teaching of Non-Self
... clinging is concerned with the aggregate of feelings which is explained fully in the Five Aggregates. The aggregate of material body is not self or a living entity, it is but non-self. It has been adequately ...
Monday, 16 March 2009
17. The Burden of the Five Aggregates
(Teachings/The Five Aggregates)
Bhara Sutta The Burden of the Five Aggregates BY MAHASI SAYADAW TRANSLATED BY MIN SWE SECRETARY Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization October, 1980 EDITED BY YI-LEI WU WEBMASTER ...
Sunday, 15 March 2009
18. An Explanation of Rebirth
... chariot." "Very good, sir, your majesty has rightly grasped the meaning. Even so it is because of the thirty-two kinds of organic matter in a human body and the five aggregates of being that I come ...
Sunday, 15 March 2009
19. The Four Noble Truths
(Teachings/The Four Noble Truths)
... short, the five aggregates of grasping existence are all suffering." The Pali term "Dukkha" which for need of a better English equivalent, is generally translated as suffering or sorrow. As a feeling, ...
Sunday, 15 March 2009
20. The Buddha's Life
... of Insight into the arising and ceasing of the five aggregates of grasping. This Insight gave him in succession the knowledge pertaining to the four Holy Paths, resulting finally in full Enlightenment ...
Saturday, 14 March 2009
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" Having killed mother (i.e., Craving), father (i.e., Conceit), and the two kings (i.e., Eternity-belief and Annihilation-belief), and having destroyed the kingdom (i.e., the sense bases and sense objects) together with its revenue officer (i.e., attachment), the brahmana (i.e., the arahat) goes free from dukkha. "

The Dhammapada

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